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Exhibitor Scam Warning

Beware of Scams

We have been made aware of a series of fraudulent emails sent to exhibitors from companies claiming to be officially partnered with the show. They may use GSE Expo Europe show branding to appear genuine.  In the past this has included directories and hotel bookings but companies are now also claiming they can sell visitor data from events. This is not the case.

Please read further advice below.

Advice from the Association of Event Organisers (AEO):

Our advice is to IGNORE THEM COMPLETELY, and do not communicate with them in any way. Writing letters and responding to emails simply confirms that you exist and are available at the address/email address/number they have for you, and therefore payment can be pursued.

What you can do: 

  • Report it to your local trading standards 


  • DO NOT COMMUNICATE WITH THE SCAMMERS even when they threaten legal action

Contact the team

Statement from MA Exhibitions (Organisers of GSE Expo Europe): 

If you receive a fraudulent email from companies claiming to be officially partnered with the show, likely offering marketing services and/or access to the show's data, please know that we are not in any way affiliated with these companies. These companies target the exhibitors for events across the board. 

Your security is important to us, so if you're unsure whether or not an email you have received is fraudulent, please get in touch and we'd be happy to verify it for you. We would also like to reassure you that we do not release, sell or share any data related to GSE Expo Europe with any outside parties.